Rooftop Solar Panels: Are you installing them right?

Because of the enormous savings, people are getting more and more interested in solar power. Both the energy and business sectors predict that by early 2023, 2 out of 5 households will already be using solar energy to power their house.

One of the most popular kinds of solar power sources is rooftop solar panels. While there are already many people who have it, not all of them are doing it right. This means that they don’t make the most out of their solar panels, and worse, they are prone to accidents.

Here are a few reminders to ensure that you’re installing your rooftop solar panels correctly.

1. Kinds of solar panels

This may come as a surprise, but there are actually lots of kinds of solar panels in the market. Aside from their power capacity (100 watts, 300 watts, 500 watts), there are also monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and amorphous solar panels.

The monocrystalline solar panels remain the most efficient type of solar panels, with an efficiency rate of 20%. However, it’s also the most expensive kind. This is why it’s essential to know what kind of solar panels are best for your power needs and location.

2. Positioning your solar panels

The next thing that you have to keep in mind is the position of your solar panels. The more sun time your solar panels have, the more electricity you get.

But it’s not just about facing your solar panels on the east! It would be best if you also considered the sun time during winter days or the establishments around you. In doing this, it might be best to consult landscape engineers.

3. Connecting your electric grids

You can easily connect some solar panels to a 12-volt battery. However, if you’re thinking of powering an entire house, you might need parallel or series connections. This is why it’s best to get a solar panel installation service.